Friday, May 22, 2009

The Dangers of Keeping Your Feelings to Yourself

Hi there, I am finally back after 12 days. Been busy... with right things of course!

I have been talking and helping different ones and came across people who keep feelings to themselves. I am pretty concerned So I went to search information on it.

There are often times when shouting your feelings at the top of your lungs is not such a good idea (for example, during a talk with your boss or at a wedding when it is announced, “If there are any objections speak now or forever hold your peace”). But there are also times when sharing your feelings is essential to your very health and wellbeing. If you are not sharing as a way of suppressing what you feel, medical science now agrees that this causes or magnifies many illnesses by interfering with your body's natural defense system. Suppression on an emotional level tends to bottle you up and cause you a lot of unnecessary tension, stress and distress. Suppressing feelings during arguments, a practice known as “self-silencing,” has been linked to other risks as well, including depression, eating disorders and heart disease.

Ironically, most people try to suppress their emotions to make themselves feel better, but what usually ends up happening is that you feel worse. Keeping your emotions bottled up turns you into a human pressure cooker. In order to keep the lid on your feelings, it takes up all of your energy. And you can’t possibly keep everything inside forever, so eventually you blow up, losing your temper with your family or in public over something small and trivial.Then, in an attempt to regain control, you suppress those feelings as well, fueling a never-ending cycle of all-consuming negativity.We all have negative emotions swirling around our heads. Whether from an argument, a trauma, a loss, a mistake or any other difficult situation, it doesn’t matter; negative feelings are the same no matter what their cause.

You may be tempted to push these feelings aside so you don’t have to feel them, but while this may work temporarily, the feelings are still there. This means they will resurface when you least expect it, in the form of anxiety, anger, rage, depression, fatigue, an inability to concentrate, or any number of other manifestations. When you let go of your emotions, a host of good things happen. Suddenly, you have a lot more free space to feel good things, and the bad things that have been weighing you down are no longer using up your energy. You have, instead, become free.

If you are willing to release whatever you are feeling and then share what you feel when appropriate, you will feel a lot better both physically and emotionally.

This is so true... For the Word of God says in 3 John 2,
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your SOUL prospers."

Friends, to the degree your SOUL (mind, emotions, will) prosper, that will be degree you prosper in your BODY and ALL THINGS!


  1. amen to that yahlan! really agree with your post. thanks for sharing.


  2. Yes i absolutely agree, yah lan. Communication, and good communication, not pressure-cooking kind of communication is the key of life!'
    - Fann

  3. yes yes, totally agree to that.
