Wednesday, July 8, 2009

100 ways to simplify your life - Don't be Judgemental

I am reading a few books now. One book is on the Art of Communicating with your children by David Chiem. Another book is titled "The Greatness Guide 2" by Robin Sharma. The third book is "100 ways to simplify your life" by Joyce Meyer. I love to read a few books at the same time! Do you have a quest to read? I do.

Mother Theresa says,"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."

Do you know 1 of the ways to simplify your life is to stop being a judgemental person? When you judge someone, we pass sentence upon them and only God has the right to do that. In other words, judgement is setting oneself as God. It is very easy to glance at someone or at a situation and quickly judge without really knowing anything at all. God not only knows what someone is doing, He knows why they are doing it. We judge according to the flesh, but God sees the heart.

Jesus told those who were ready to stone the woman caught in adulterythat whoever among them was without sin could throw the first stone. After they took time to consider what He said, they all dropped their rocks at their feet and left, one by one. Who among us can say we have no sin? How then can we be so quick to judge other people for their mistakes? We can judge sin, but we cannot judge the heart of a person. The more we study God's Word, the quicker we will recognize wrongdoing, but we must not let a habit of judging everyone who does not do what they should be doing. Once again, we need to follow God's Word and "watch and pray." Don't watch and judge, but watch and pray! Treat others the way you want to be treated!

Each time we judge, whether for good or for bad, we sow a seed that produces a harvest in our own lives. If we are critical and merciless, we will be judged in the same way, but if we give mercy, we will reap mercy. We have the ability to love people and should do so because that is the one commandment Jesus left. He said,"Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another"

Being quick to judge is another symptom of pride, and the Bible teaches us that pride always comes before destruction and downfall, but humility preceeds honor!

The choice is ours!